Mellon Program in the Digital HumanitiesSpring 2022 DigiTalk Series "Tracing the Lines of Segregation: Building an Antiracist History Curriculum for Rochester" Shane Wiegand, Co-Lead of the Antiracist Curriculum Project Tuesday, February 22 5:30-7:00 pm EST via Zoom To attend, please register at https://tinyurl.com/4ws4b87r. On behalf of the Mellon Program in the Digital Humanities, we are delighted to introduce Shane Wiegand, Co-Lead for the Antiracist Curriculum Project, as our first invited speaker for our Spring 2022 DigiTalk Series. His presentation, "Tracing the Lines of Segregation: Building an Antiracist History Curriculum for Rochester," will take place over Zoom on Tuesday, February 22, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm EST. A discussion and Q&A will follow. To register for this Zoom-based DigiTalk, please visit https://tinyurl.com/4ws4b87r.
About this DigiTalk:
In this presentation, historian, teacher, and activist Shane Wiegand presents research examining how past federal and local policies segregated the city of Rochester, built wealth for its white citizens, and disenfranchised people of color. He also presents how local civil rights leaders and many others fought back. In discussing these two sides of Rochester's civil rights struggles, he connects these past policies to the disparity and inequality in Rochester today, and he invites us to learn from and apply the activism of Rochester's past to its present. To heighten awareness of this underrepresented history and facilitate its classroom use, he will showcase the interactive website he is building to host this antiracist curriculum, including an interactive map highlighting racial covenants, exclusionary zoning, and sites of historic civil rights events throughout the city. This website owes much to his collaborative efforts with the Rochester Voices Project, faculty at UR and RIT, and the University of Richmond's American Panorama project.
About our invited speaker:
Shane Wiegand is a fourth-grade teacher at the Rush-Henrietta Central School District, Co-Lead of the Antiracist Curriculum Project hosted by the PathStone Foundation, a board member at City Roots Community Land Trust and Connected Communities, and an adjunct faculty member of the URMC School of Medicine and Dentistry. For his work with PathStone, he was named as one of Rochester Business Journal's Forty Under 40 in 2021, a group annually recognized for exemplary leadership and contributions to the Rochester community. He and his wife live in the Beechwood neighborhood of Rochester.
About the Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship Program in the Digital Humanities:
The University of Rochester’s graduate fellowship program in digital humanities, now entering its eighth very successful year, is based on the premise that technology and the humanities illuminate and complement one another in increasingly important ways. To develop a familiarity with digital technologies in service of the humanities, fellows train in various technologies related to humanistic research, undertake academic and public-facing digital projects at both the university and outside organizations, plan and coordinate both a guest speaker series and end-of-the-year conference on relevant topics in the digital humanities, and conclude their fellowships by presenting research and critical-making portfolios, research blogs/websites, and several small-to-medium-scale digital projects. For more information about the fellowship program, please visit the program website at https://dhfellows.digitalscholar.rochester.edu/.
For updates about Mellon DH events:
To receive updates about upcoming Mellon DH events, such as our DigiTalk series and our next fellowship application cycle, please subscribe to our mailing list here. You can also follow us on Twitter at @URMellonDH.