it's out there...
at the north end of campus art is being made
Sage Art Center houses the Studio Art program of the Dept. of Art and Art History at the University of Rochester. Sage provides access to the resources and facilities required to create, exhibit, and critique student art. Additional support is provided by faculty and staff who guide students through their artistic practice. From casual interest to intensive investigation, our program accommodates all students who wish to incorporate art into their range of experience
and interests.
Students individualize their experience at Sage by sampling our course offerings broadly or by focusing on medium-specific classes. Our semester-long Art New York program provides students the opportunity to experience the New York City art world through classes and internships. Studio Art Majors are vital participants in Rochester’s growing art scene and contribute significantly to the culture here on campus. Senior majors receive their own studio space for the year and often serve as teaching assistants for their favorite studio art courses.
Our in-house gallery, AsIs, features a rotating display of student art. Join us at our monthly receptions and mark your calendar for events like Sagefest–the infamous annual celebration of visual art and creative shenanigans. Follow us on instagram and check out our scheduled events to learn more.