The first public event produced by ACCT : Artists Coalition for Change Together
Submit a proposal to present your work at Stop / Motion Start / Action
ACCT invites proposals for collaborative performance pieces that incorporate human movement with other art forms (for example, slam poetry, storytelling, film, sculpture, visual 2D/3D, and/or original music) that focus on this year’s theme of Images of the SocioPolitical.
Performance Date September 17 / 5:00 p.m. / location TBA Deadline to Submit July 30, 2017 \ 11:59 p.m.
We invite you to consider the following: What pressing topics in this heated sociopolitical atmosphere are you most interested in? How do you activate and advocate in this time of change? How do human rights, civil rights and equality play out in your work? What are some images of resistance that have inspired you? We invite choreographers and other artists to submit pieces of intersectional and interdisciplinary work. In an effort to facilitate inquiry across disciplines, ACCT maintains an ongoing list of artists interested in collaboration. Should you have a desire to be connected to artists in other mediums, please contact us. Guidelines
Pieces should address the theme in some way.
No longer than 8 minutes.
Existing pieces and works in progress are eligible.
Link to submit: https://www.acctogether.org