On Film's Spring 2022 program is Performance Through Cinema, a three-day series that explores performance as a conceptual paradigm in cinema.
“Body/Place/Performance” (Wednesday, March 16, 6:15pm, Humanities Center Conference Room D) underscores how performing bodies create imaginary geographies and activate histories of place. Films by Meredith Monk, Basma Alsharif, and Thirza Cuthand.
“Performance/Anti-performance” (Tuesday, March 22, 6:15pm, Humanities Center Conference Room D) features three works that test the limits of what constitutes performance. Films by Standish Lawder, Harun Farocki, and Naomi Uman.
“Performing Mediums” (Wednesday, March 30, 6:15pm, Humanities Center Conference Room D) presents filmmakers figuring the mediums of film, TikTok, and video games as performing entities in themselves. Together, the three screenings inquire into the relationship between cinema and performance and the possibility of cinema to critique various kinds of performance. Films by Peggy Ahwesh, Catalina Segú Jensen, and Colectivo Los Ingrávidos.
The screenings are free and there's no need to register in advance: just show up! We will provide light refreshments in line with current University Covid regulations.