Spread Community: A Virtual Exhibition of UR Artists

by Anna Lussier ink on paper 2’ x 3’ This is my visualization of the mind trying to process this chaotic domino effect of the pandemic on society, and the train of thought as you move from effected group to effected group.

by Mila Stanojevic 8” X 10” x 13” Class notes from my senior pre-pandemic year covered with more recent notes.

by Sarah Woodams @sarahs__snaps I took these at the Lamberton Conservatory earlier this semester. They are scanned black and white film prints. I wanted to transport the viewer into an entirely different landscape, except I'd never actually left the city to get these photos.

by Anna Lussier ink on paper 2’ x 3’ This is my visualization of the mind trying to process this chaotic domino effect of the pandemic on society, and the train of thought as you move from effected group to effected group.
Our campus community had to disperse early due to Covid-19, but we at Sage Art Center wanted to bring the community back together with this online exhibition of art made by current students, alumni, faculty, and staff at the UR.
Works can also be found on our instagram account @sageart.
Submissions closed May 8, 2020.
Interruption by Allen Topolski